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IFJ Condemns NATO Bombing at Libyan Television

donderdag 4 augustus 2011 17:15
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Ik heb in de Vlaamse media nergens enige aanklacht en zelfs geen medeleven aangetroffen voor het doden van drie Libische journalisten door de NAVO. Ik vind het onbegrijpelijk en onaanvaardbaar o.a. van De Morgen, De Standaard, VRT, VTM dat ze niet kritisch reageren op het vermoorden van hun collega’s journalisten. Achter dit stilzwijgen zie ik een vergoelijking van de misdadige acties van de NAVO. Zo maken de Vlaamse media zich ook medeplichtig aan de misdaden van de NAVO. Sinds het begin van de agressie tegen Libië hebben de westerse media zich opgesteld als een grote “supporter” van de Libische rebellen.

“The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the NATO air strikes against Libyan state television which took place last Saturday in Tripoli, killing three journalists and injured fifteen staff members according to its director of the English service, Khalid Basilia.

According to agency reports, NATO confirmed that it bombed the transmitters without giving any details of casualties, posting on its website that their aim was to degrade Libyan leader Gaddafi’s “use of satellite television as a means to intimidate the Libyan people and incite acts of violence against them.”

“We utterly condemn this action which targeted journalists and threatened their lives in violation of international law. These kinds of actions that use violence to stifle dissident media spell catastrophe for press freedom,” said IFJ General Secretary, Beth Costa.

The IFJ says that the bombing is in contravention of UN Security Council resolution 1738, passed in December 2006, which explicitly condemned such attacks against journalists and media, and clearly established that media equipment and installations constitute civilian objects and are not to be considered target of any type for military reprisals.

The IFJ has continually protested these kinds of attacks since the 1999 NATO bombing in Belgrade of the Serbian broadcaster RTS, which killed 16 people. At the time, NATO said the station was a legitimate military target because it was a “propaganda mouth piece” for the regime of Slobodan Milosevic regime.

The IFJ says there is no justification for the action under international law and calls once again on NATO to refrain from such attacks against media.

“Our concern is that when one side decides to take out a media organisation because they regard its message as propaganda, then all media are at risk,” said Costa. “In conflict situations, international law is clear that unarmed journalists cannot be treated as combatants, irrespective of their political affiliations.””

For more information, please contact IFJ on + 32 2 235 210

The IFJ represents more than 600.000 journalists in 131 countries

03 August 2011

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