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Intercultural public space

Intercultural public space

vrijdag 8 juni 2018 01:31
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Now a days more attention is given on to the human dimension in the city planning and the need for quality in the public spaces. Importance of public spaces is universally accepted by one and all. The question is what makes public space more successful? The designer is trying to give best model of good public spaces. However we find that many times well designed public space also doesn’t generate good public response. 

What is successful public space?

Successful public space are the place which is universally accepted by the community, where one can see and enjoy multiple activity and accessible by all kinds of member of society from children to aged.

This spaces consist of rich, vibrant, mixed use environment that does not die at night or at the weekends and is visually stimulating and attractive to residents and visitors alike.

Successful public spaces contain overlapping use of different activity and where person can join and participate without any hesitation. It must be a safe place. This is the place where society like to meet daily and enjoy the pollution free atmosphere.

Without such convivial spaces, cities, towns and villages would be mere accretions of buildings with no deliberate opportunities for casual encounters and positive interactions between friends or strangers’.

‘Public Space’ seems like an obvious and straightforward term, denoting areas where anyone-the public- might go. For the moment we use the term not so much to signify everything that is not private space; we use it to imply space that has been deliberately created as a public amenity, space that has some deliberate public use, be it ceremony, recreation, celebration, or commerce. Public space, in this sense, is functional.

Understanding of public spaces, which is focused on the making of places for people. Moreover, it focuses on design as the process of making better places for people than would otherwise be produced. This  asserts the importance of two subjects;

– First: it stresses that design is for and about people.

– Second: it emphasises the value and significance of place.

Sociability of the place has to be clearly seen. Activities bring the people together. Jewish, Muslims, Christians,… sit together and talk about rituals, multicultural participations, etc which is the back bone activity. People of all walks of life from beggars to businessman freely interacting with each other. Rich give aims to poor. This is the best example of community participation in a public space. Even man/woman sitting together very comfortably. Visitors and even foreign tourist are seen involved in local activities. Barber shop, tea stalls, singer, musician are commonly seen here and people enjoy their presence and company. Public spaces should be the best example of socialization between people of different culture and tradition.

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