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Stop LGBT Discrimination in Cameroon!
Discriminatie, Kameroen, Vervolging van holebi's en gender, LGTB -

Stop LGBT Discrimination in Cameroon!

donderdag 18 augustus 2011 10:44
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In the West African nation of Cameroon, all citizens are vulnerable to incarceration based only on their perceived sexual orientation.

Urge the Cameroonian government to ensure fair and equal treatment for all of their citizens.»

Representing only one incident in many, two young men known as Jonas and Francky were arrested outside a nightclub on July 25, and charged under Section 347a of the Cameroonian penal code, which criminalizes same-sex sexual acts.

They could face up to five years in prison.

No one deserves to face jail time for being gay.

Sign this petition to urge the Cameroonian government to repeal Section 347a and free Jonas and Francky today! »

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