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No Border Camp 2011 – August 25 to August 29, 2011
Europa, Vluchtelingen, Migranten, Workshops, Frontex, Demonstraties, Bulgarije, No Border Camp 2011, Discussies -

No Border Camp 2011 – August 25 to August 29, 2011

woensdag 3 augustus 2011 16:21
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The NoBorder camp Bulgaria will take place between the 25th and the 29th of August, 2011.Bring your tents, sleeping bags, and good spirits and join us for five days full of demonstrations, workshops, discussions, and fun times.

The topics that will be addressed include: The militarization of the borders; Deterioration of freedom of movement across the Balkan borders; The criminalization of the situation of migrants and refugees in bulgaria; How to organize in ways that will better the human, social, legal, and economic condition of migrants and refugees in Bulgaria and around Europe; the neo-liberal politics that support and enhance the problems mentioned above, and many, many more.

During the No Border camp we will place certain demands that can be separated in two main categories: general demands and immediate goals.

General demands:

Freedom of movement for all Status for all refugees now Legalization of all immigrants now Decriminalization of migrants End to the militarization of the borders Equal rights for all Closure of all detention centers Replacement of the detention centers with coordination centers that will support migrants’ social, political, and economic emancipation (run with the support of migrants, grassroots initiatives, and the local communities; where decisions are taken by migrants themselves) Wide visibility of migrants in our societies We declare ourselves against the continuous building of Fortress Europe Immediate goals: Interpreters provided for all migrants that cross the border Information concerning migrants’ rights to be distributed to them as soon as they cross the border (in their respective languages) Independent observers to be present during the procedures for asylum as well as during examinations Transparent asylum procedure Social, medical and reasonable financial support in the course of the duration of the procedure and after that Expected contributions of the camp: Attracting the attention of the local people, the media, and the international community towards the problems mentioned above. Expanding the NoBorder network on the Balkans and throughout Europe To rise and deepen local solidarity Monitoring of specific migrants’ cases

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No Border Bulgarije

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