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Solidarity Actions in Bulgaria?
Bulgaria, Global Migrants Action Day, 18 december 2011, Solidarity -

Solidarity Actions in Bulgaria?

maandag 19 december 2011 22:43
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Solidarity Actions on the occasion of the Global Migrants Action Day in Bulgaria
18. 12. 2011

Today three actions took place in Sofia in support of the migrants. They were meant to address some of the systemic pressures which the migrants are faced with during their stay in Bulgaria.

During the first action a banner containing the slogan “Solidarity with the migrants’ struggle” was dropped in order to attract attention to the discriminatory asylum procedures conducted by the State agency for refugees and to the miserable living conditions of the asylum seekers in the country.

The second action took place in front of the Ministry of Interior where the migration policies in Bulgaria are coordinated. A banner saying “MoI, Migration is a right, not a directive!” was put there.

Additionally, swastikas and other nazi symbols were crossed out in the city center.

Vrienden die  in Bulgarije wonen van hebben solidariteits acties gevoerd in kader van Global Migrants Action Day

Bron : No Border Bulgaria / Luc Schrijvers

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