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Pakkende beelden van oorlog in Oekraïne

Pakkende beelden van oorlog in Oekraïne

maandag 28 maart 2022 01:39
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Omdat VRT het fascistisch gevaar in Oekraïne bewust minimaliseert en zelfs probeert af te doen als Russische propaganda, heb ik hier een aantal russische documentaires verzameld die je op VRT en tutti quanti gegarandeerd nooit te zien zal krijgen. Ze tonen ook “Pakkende beelden van oorlog in Oekraïne”, maar gezien van aan de andere kant van de frontlijn. Het zijn beelden van de oorlog die al 8 jaar aan de gang is en die in onze media doodgezwegen wordt.

De meeste van deze documentaires zijn in België gecensureerd door vlaams minister van mediacensuur Benjamin Dalle.

Omdat maker dezes er niet in slaagt om de betreffende video’s rechtstreeks in deze pagina te integreren, word je, als je een video aanklikt, eerst omgeleid naar een andere pagina, vanwaar de video’s wel kunnen afgespeeld worden. Excuses hiervoor.

Ukraine on Fire

Ukraine on Fire


Across its eastern border is Russia and to its west-Europe. For centuries, it has been at the center of a tug-of-war between powers seeking to control its rich lands and access to the Black Sea.

2014’s Maidan Massacre triggered a bloody uprising that ousted president Viktor Yanukovych and painted Russia as the perpetrator by Western media.

But was it?

“Ukraine on Fire” by Igor Lopatonok.
Productie: Oliver stone

Deze documentaire is in maart 2022 weggecensureerd geweest op Youtube. Voorheen was hij er jarenlang vrij te bekijken. Je kan hem thans bekijken op De makers sporen iedereen aan om de film zoveel mogelijk te downloaden en te verspreiden. Zij hebben hiertoe afstand gedaan van hun auteursrechten.


Donbass War: Airport. Part 1

Donbass War: Airport. Part 1

2014. Donetsk Airport as the face of a war

The film ‘Donbass War: Airport. Part 1’ looks back to the Donetsk region in 2014, when residents refused to recognise the results of “Maidan” and were confronted by a severe reaction from the Ukrainian authorities.

Donetsk airport became a stronghold for the Ukrainian army wanting to remain in control. After the Ukrainian military had taken it over, it became a source of tension. The film features burnt homes, people seeking for shelter, and victims of shelling from the airport. The film crew also met militia members, former miners, teachers, and plumbers, who had taken up arms to defend their home.

One of the main objectives was to retake the airport control tower, which the Ukrainian army used to target the shelling of militia and peaceful citizens.

Watch ‘Donbass war: Airport. Part 1’ for a detailed account of the 2014 events.

Donbass War: Airport. Part 2

Donbass War: Airport. Part 2

The film ‘Donbass War: Airport. Part 2’ explores the final stages of the fight for the Donetsk airport. From late 2014 to late 2015, tensions were flying high.

In 2014, Donbass residents who refused to recognise the results of “Maidan” were confronted by the severe reaction of the Ukrainian authorities. The Donetsk airport within the city limits became a stronghold the Ukrainian army wanted to retain. The Donbass militia was forced to stop them from taking it over.

In response to the Donbass people’s militia, the Ukrainian army directed fire towards the peaceful districts of the city. The film crew talked to Donbass residents who shared their memories about these times. They talk about how they had to hide from gunfire and lost their loved ones in the war. The participants of this tragic period defined the timeline of the events when the old and new terminals were taken by storm. The Ukrainian military eventually lost control, leaving Donetsk airport as destroyed.

Donbass: the grey zone

Donbass: the grey zone

life in the frontline villages

The breakaway Donetsk and Lugansk republics next to the border with Russia are known as Donbass. The two republics declared independence from Kiev in 2014, and there has since been an ongoing civil war.

Under the Minsk Agreement, the sides agreed to pull troops back from the separation line by two kilometres. But instead of being the buffer zone, these villages witness war every day and suffer from its consequences.

Locals live without water or electricity for days. Children play with the remnants of war. They call their villages the ‘grey zone’. For years, Ukrainian troops have been engaging in what the media calls a creeping offensive, getting closer to the ‘grey zone’ villages.

Donbass: The Grey Zone explores life on the frontline, as locals share their accounts of the war. Aleksandr, 80, describes how he lost his entire family killed in a mortar attack. Now he’s the only one in his village who fixes damaged electrical cables. We meet Margarita, who talks casually about mortar ammunition her daughter finds in the yard. Finally, high school student, Denis gives us a tour around his abandoned school.

Nearly 4,000 civilians have been killed since the start of the civil war.

Video gecensureerd op Youtube, maar ook beschikbaar op hier en hier.

Donbass. Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Donbass. Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

The history of the Donbass conflict

It’s been almost seven years since a US-inspired coup divided Ukraine and war erupted in the country’s east. The Donetsk and Lugansk republics, next to Russia’s border, are collectively known as Donbass, a coal-mining industrial centre. The two declared independence from Kiev in 2014, and civil war erupted.

There are mass graves scattered across Donbass, from which bodies of civilians are regularly exhumed. Yet, while the shelling and killings continued, Western media remained silent. According to UN estimates, over 13,000 people have been killed in the conflict.

The Donbass people call it a ‘genocide of the Russian-speaking population’. Kiev outlawed the Russian language from everyday life, endeavouring to limit its use, despite Russian being the native language in large areas of the country.

Donbass. Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow takes a look back at events that unfolded before the start of the crisis in 2014. Historians and journalists share their views on the conflict, players and motives, while ordinary citizens from the Donetsk and Lugansk regions describe the horrors of war.

Gecensureerd op Youtube maar ook beschikbaar op

Maidan: Road to War

Maidan: Road to War

The story behind Maidan

‘Maidan: Road to War’ was shot from 2014 to 2022, as the DNR and LNR territory was subjected to daily shelling from Ukraine. The film delves into the 2014 situation in Ukraine and pieces together the course of events. The film wants to draw the attention of the Ukrainian authorities to the shelling and the deaths of civilians in the Donbass, but the government didn’t respond.

Maidan movement gained momentum in Kiev in 2013. Protests were prompted by the government’s decision to suspend the signing of the association agreement with the European Union. At first, the protests looked like a rock festival, but soon signs of hostility started to creep in from politicians and nationalists.

They were deliberately provocative. Leaders of nationalist organisations admit they have been preparing for violent street riots long before the protests engulfed Kiev. They planned a revolution and the deposition of the government from the start.

See how the events unfolded and what eventually led to the conflict in our film.

Video gecensureerd op Youtube maar nog beschikbaar op

Donbass: Battle of Debaltsevo

Donbass: Battle of Debaltsevo

Defending the strategic point

The film features the events of the Donbass war which took place at Debaltsevo – the important strategic point, which became the center for fierce fighting between the militia and the government forces.

In summer 2014, fighting began in Southeast Ukraine, as Ukraine’s armed forces were tasked to subdue the rebellious regions. The conflict, ongoing for months, was seen by the Ukrainian government not as a civil clash, but as Russian soldiers fighting in Ukraine.

But in the streets of Donbass, Ukrainian tanks and APCs encounter angry local residents, while regions of Donetsk and Lugansk declared themselves People’s Republics. The escalation began after the events at Maidan, which led to an overthrow of the country’s government, which people in Southeastern Ukraine considered a coup d’état.

Secret documents provided by the former officer with Ukraine’s Security Service, Vasily Prozorov, proved that Kiev never intended to negotiate with Southeast Ukraine. It was no coincidence that the government was quick to declare the beginning of an anti-terrorist operation. Realising what was coming, the rebel regions created self-defence groups – the Donbass militia. The most vicious fighting between the militia and government forces unfolded in Debaltsevo and its surroundings.

Debaltsevo was strategically important to both sides. What was going on as the militia was defending the territory, desperately trying to maintain the link between the two rebel capitals?

Video gecensureerd op Youtube maar ook beschikbaar op

Fascism: a history.

Fascism: a history.

A vicious ideology before and after Hitler

The film by RT-Documentary, called Fascism: A History, dissects the atrocious ideology and points out it existed long before today. Unfortunately, it looks like it is not going anywhere any time soon.

Fascism is driven by the idea of the superiority of one nation over another. Millions of people have fallen victims to this concept. Until the early 20th century, most European countries had extensive colonies in Africa, Asia and the Americas. Some of the colonised peoples had been turned into slaves, exploited and stripped of their identity. However, they were all told the changes made by the Europeans were for their own good.

Nazis didn’t even try to conceal their intentions under virtuous guises. They were planning to eradicate entire nations they deemed unworthy. But as documents reveal, not only Hitler’s allies but also supposed enemies tried to make good for themselves out of the war. Though the European Parliament in 2019 named the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany the instigators of WWII, the Soviet Union’s allies Great Britain and the United States, had similar dealings with Hitler and tried to sign a separate peace with Germany to double-cross the Soviet Union.

Once the war was over, the newly formed NATO went on with colonial politics, trying to expand to the east claiming its only intention was bringing democracy to the regions and free them of oppressive regimes. However, all such interventions ended in human casualties, destroying the economy and social systems.

Deze docu is recent weggecensureerd op youtube, maar mits enig zoeken toch nog beschikbaar aldaar. Niet te vinden op



Is Europe witnessing a nationalist upsurge?

70 years ago Europe was severely threatened by Fascism, but is the continent now witnessing a nationalist renaissance? One former Latvian Waffen SS fighter openly presents his perspective on the situation, while survivors from Salaspils, a concentration camp in Latvia, are disturbed and terrified by recent events, sharing their heartbreaking memories. Salaspils is a dark page in human history, in the history of Latvia, perhaps that’s why so many seem to be trying to rewrite it.

During the events of the war, Latvia saw the coming of soldiers from both Germany and the Soviet Union. However, opinions there vary on who were the true “liberators”.

One of the most chilling reminders of the Nazi occupation is the remnants of the Salaspils concentration camp. Official Latvian history claims that it was a work education camp, but the words of the Salaspils survivors tell a different story – One of nightmare and death. Forensic evidence does prove that thousands of people died within the walls of Salaspils. We hear from several such survivors, who were but children back then, as they tell about their time there.

Nazi occupation of Latvia also resulted in the formation of Latvian soldiers into the Waffen SS, Nazi-aligned military units. We meet one of the last, if not the very last, of these soldiers remaining in Latvia. He unabashedly tells a very different story than that of the Salaspils survivors. In our story, he represents those Latvians who looked favorably upon the Germans, believing that they would free Latvia from the “barbaric” Soviet occupation.

Many critics find flawed logic in this new generation of fascists and neo-Nazi groups in Europe, seeing as they were born in the modern age, and didn’t experience the war themselves. A great deal of people also believe that the Latvian government is turning a blind eye to what occurred there during WWII.



‘Fascism Inc’ is a crowdfunded documentary on the rise of neo-fascism in Greece and Europe and the role of the economic elites. Support the documentary visiting our site (offline in 2022).

Documentaire van de hand van de makers van andere schitterende docu’s: “Debtocracy (2011)” en “Catastroika (2012)“.

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