Burgerjournalistiek, powered by DeWereldMorgen.be

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Latinofilmfestival opened with a film about migration stories

ESPIRAL  Mexico 2008, Jorge Perez Solano 99 min.  Filmrecensie door Kofi Dohnani Jorge Perez Mexico, director of ESPIRAL was born in Huajuapan de León, Oaxaca in 1964. He studied at CUEC-UNAM and UAM. He directed the shortfilm Playback for the TV series Encuentros y Desencuentro...

Libertador Morales, EL JUSTICIERO by Efterpi Charalambidis got price for best sound on LAFF Flandes

Efterpi Charalambidis is a journalist and actress. She received her Master of Fine Arts in Film from Columbia University (New York) in 2002. Her first short Niko´s Restaurant won awards for Best Actor and Best Editing at the Columbia University Film Festival in 2001. Her second s...