Burgerjournalistiek, powered by DeWereldMorgen.be

De community ruimte is een vrije online ruimte (blog) waar vrijwilligers en organisaties hun opinies kunnen publiceren. De standpunten vermeld in deze community reflecteren niet noodzakelijk de redactionele lijn van DeWereldMorgen.be. De verantwoordelijkheid over de inhoud ligt bij de auteur.

it's not always Black and White


my photography is to reveal the character of the person, event or location through a documentary style of visual storytelling. thinks in Black & White and as a non traditionalist, he doesn’t believe in his own birthday celebration…Belgium born, passionate about life and living every minute to its fullest. His life has been getting his adrenaline rushes as a Helicopter and Hot Air Balloon pilot, Skydiver, long endurance athlete , and photographer . His love for adventure and the ability to participate in extreme sports, make him a major attribute to adventure and expedition photo shoots. He participated and finished the most extreme and prestigious adventure foot races on the planet : the 250 Km Marathon des Sables deep in the Sahara desert / with his camera's ( ! ) , non-stop 210 Km ‘BR135’ in Brazil , Skydives on world wide drop zones , Hot Air Balloon expeditions and several wildlife expeditions in Brazil’s Amazon are a few on his ‘ Logbook Not only holding several pilot licenses.., as a photographer he is specialized in Photojournalism, Street Photography , Live concert / band portrait photography. Living on the road most of the year, love to call Italy as his home.


photographer / Photojournalism, Street Photography , Live concert / band portrait photography.

Portugal: 1 miljoen mensen zingen ‘Grândola’

Op 2 maart 2013 gingen meer dan 1 miljoen mensen uit steden doorheen Portugal de straat op, in een reeks van demonstraties georganiseerd door de niet-partijgebonden beweging bekend als Que se lixe a troika (Fuck the trojka), tegen het bezuinigingsbeleid van de regering opgelegd door ...