WARNING to all potential Refugees
Level of urgency: IMMEDIATE
Sort: Distant Early Warning
“Dear fellow- world citizens,
Material life surely is good here.
There is more than enough food; heating is available in the not too cold winters; there is housing for all. And we have a lot of fun gaming in Brave little Belgium!
… As a result of this situatin, that can be described as a typical ‘public secret’,
high numbers of autochtone Flemish People move abroad,
increasingly so, as the newspapers have been reporting in the last weeks.
How come?
- Many of us need pills,
to keep control over mental problems like anxiety, sleep problems, depression…
Every year we take a billion doses of pills for the brain / mind (=
Many consider it to be normal to pay a shrink (psychologist or psychiatrist) or two.
2. We can only keep moving
thanks to a complete set of Addictions
(some of which you may be acquainted with from
the big cities in your home country.)
Addictions Ranging from the traditional abuse of beer, wine,
to internet gaming, prostitution, workaholic life style,
gambling (long live the www-web!) & in most newspaper shops, I have the impression the clients cue more for small gamble tickets than for reading matter or tobacco),
and soft drugs like marihuana,
and harddrugs such as cocaïne, mostly used by wealthy city citizens
(In Antwerp, this ‘life style’ came to light after a scientific analysis of the sewage water from the famously rich South Area).
Dear friend from in or under the Sahara,
from the Islands of the Ocean, from the war ridden nations close and far,
3. We have high numbers of
casualties in traffic,
(in no other country (except maybe for the U. S. A.)
King Car is more worshipped)
And there is more.
4. We the Flemish
kill ourselves in even higher numbers
through a variety of SUICIDE.
Numbers are in the order of six people each day on a population of
about 6 and a half million souls. That makes 1000 Flemish each god given year.
I personally have been attracting attention to this problem in newspapers and magazines since the mid nineties. It has been a powerful tabu for a long time.
So, dear Fellow, kind She-Friend:
– BE Well.
BUT ‘Think Twice’ & BE WARNED
Lieutenant Shepard,
Steve S. V. H. A.
Louvain, City of Knowledge & Wisdom in the Old World.
Post Scriptum
Toen ik dit Bericht via facebook deelde, reageerde Eddy V. met ongeloof & onbegrip. Hij is voormalig medestudent geschiedenis, die zelf in eigen kring heeft moeten kennis maken met geestelijke gezondheidsproblemen. Hij had de teneur mijn boodschap begrepen. (Een filosoof en auteur uit Nederland, Bart van Eikema, heeft blijk gegeven veel minder helder te zien: hij schreef: “Denk je dat zij zo zullen wegblijven? Originele benadering”…)
Dit “Aanplakbiljet” wil natuurlijk vooral de ogen openen van inheemse mensen, Vlamingen.
“E. (vriend): Woon jij in een ander Vlaanderen dan ik, Luitenant? (knipoogsmiley)”
“S. S. H.”: “Helegaar nicht. Ich beschick over was mann nennt “Dieptezicht”.
S. S. H.: “Dat kwam er door het ontwikkelen van speciale gevoeligheid voor het lijden van de medemens in het thuisgezin van de jeugd.”
S. S. H.: “En later kwam daarbij acht jaar vrijwillige Dienst bij de Algemene Telefonische Hulplijn Tele-Onthaal Brabant. Waar je in contact komt, kennis neemt, van al ‘het stof’ dat deze “samen-leving” dagelijks vlotjes én laf onder het tapijt veegt… En daarbij komt dan de unieke kijk op de ongelofelijke onderbuik van deze samenleving die je verwerft door meer dan twintig jaar geregeld bezoeken af te leggen bij onfortuinlijke medemensen in de rooksalons van de Institutionele Psychiatrie.