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NoBorderKamp: geschiedenis & stand van zaken

NoBorderKamp: geschiedenis & stand van zaken

woensdag 22 september 2010 12:10
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The No Border Camp is a meeting of people and movements fighting against the borders and for the freedom of movement.

The NO BORDER CAMP IN BRUSSELS follows the tradition of No Border camps, organised all over the world since the 90s. Neither a normative frame, nor an organization, the No Border Camp is most of all a meeting, a convergence of struggles aiming to end the system of borders that divide us all.

Like in Calais or Lesbos in 2009 it’s about building a temporary and autonomous space of living, thinking, sharing (experiences, skills, information, analysis,…) actions concerning the questions of borders, migration and the right of freedom of movement and to chose the place where you want to live.

With the No Border Camp that will take place in Brussels from September 25 till October 3, militants for the freedom of movement invite you to join them with radiobroadcasts devoted to current struggles against detention centers in Belgium, the militarization of borders of the European Union (Frontex, …) and an overview of the various fronts of resistance to the machinery of deportation in Europe.

This multilingual No Border Radio edition to mobilize for the coming No Border Camp in Brussels is a joint broadcast with members from Radio Air Libre (Brussel) , Radio Patapoe (Amsterdam) en Radio Centraal (Antwerpen).  It was broadcast @ radio patapoe on the 7th of August 2010 in English, Kurmanji and Turkish.  When listening, you will find out more about the history of the No Border movement, the current situation of preparations for the camp and a personal story of Dyar, crossing many borders with his instrument on his back, accompanied with life sas music. 

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