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Newt Gingrich wins South Carolina Republican primary
South Carolina, Newt Gingrich, Republican presidential primary -

Newt Gingrich wins South Carolina Republican primary

zondag 22 januari 2012 02:27
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COLUMBIA, S.C.– Newt Gingrich has won South Carolina’s Republican presidential primary, making this the first time in history a different candidate has captured a win in each of the first three presidential nominating contests.
ABC News has projected that former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney will come in second place, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum in third, and Texas Rep. Ron Paul in fourth.
Romney appeared to have won the Jan. 3 Iowa caucuses, but after a final, certified tally of the votes, completed this week, the state Republican party declared late Friday that Santorum actually won the first nominating contest. Romney did win the New Hampshire primary on January 10. A Gingrich win in South Carolina would almost certainly mean a longer primary season than initially anticipated for the Republican Party.

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Bron :  Rachel Rose Hartman / Yahoo.News

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