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Middel East :  Sharks face extinction in Arab seas

Middel East : Sharks face extinction in Arab seas

woensdag 17 maart 2010 01:58
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Laurens De Groot  – Sharks face extinction in Arab seas, good item from Al Jazeera #sharks #sea shepherd

Numerous species of sharks in the Arabian seas are facing a growing threat of extinction as demand for their fins rises across the world.

Considered a delicacy in Asia – shark fin is one of the world’s most expensive foods and it has grown into a multi-billion dollar industry.

Oman hosts one of the world’s biggest shark fisheries and has become a major supplier to Asian countries.

Al Jazeera’s Nick Clark reports from Oman – where as shark numbers dwindle, so does the livelihood of many people.

Bron : Al Jazeera (English)

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