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Happy Birthday Dalai Lama?
Tibet, Wereld, The Dalai Lama 75 year -

Happy Birthday Dalai Lama?

dinsdag 6 juli 2010 11:05
Spread the love

The Dalai Lama turns 75 today. For decades he has given us all hope — setting a generous example of wisdom, non-violence and compassion for a better world.

Now we can return the favour — let’s send the Dalai Lama a birthday tribute from millions of us worldwide! It will be delivered personally to him on a “wall of warm wishes” outside the temple in Dharamsala and broadcast around the region.

Let’s take this moment to honour the Dalai Lama together and make his birthday last as long as we keep signing! — click here to sign the tribute — then forward this alert to everyone so they can do the same:

Imagine all of our names together on a massive public tribute to the Dalai Lama, from Brazil to Ghana, Italy to Indonesia — tens of thousands of messages of hope, gratitude and encouragement streaming in from all around the world!

The spiritual leader of Tibet has spent over 50 years in exile, and he continues to preach peace and compassion. Let’s share with him how much the world values him and is inspired by his life. Click here to sign the global birthday tribute to the Dalai Lama:

With hope,

Alice, Pascal, Ben, Graziela, Paul, Iain, Mia and the rest of the Avaaz team

PS: The Avaaz community has been supporting radio stations, bloggers, and censorship avoidance technologies to ensure information comes in and out of closed Tibet. We will work with these partners in the coming days to ensure our global birthday messages of hope, gratitude and encouragement from around the world reach hundreds of thousands of Tibetans and Chinese.

 Bron : Alice Jay – (

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