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Gelanceerd in de Launch workshop, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Gelanceerd in de Launch workshop, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Een week in dienst bij Wereld Solidariteit, en direct onderweg om alle Azië partners te ontmoeten tijdens de Launch workshop, en ook mijn voorganger Jef Van Hecken, in Bangladesh.

vrijdag 21 maart 2014 14:59
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The Workshop gathered all World Solidarity (WSM) partners
from Asia, represented by two people, with the members of the WSM Asia team to launch the 2014-2016 programme. The
first day focused on the concept of
Social Protection
, the central theme for this programme, examined the current
context per country, in the region and internationally. Next, the outlines
of the 2014-2016 programme
were shared and then a tool to create a mapping to advocate change on the
national level.

The next day focused first
on technical aspects of the
programme, like financial management,
the operational planning for 2014,
as well as M&E, structure and responsibilities of the WSM Asia team and an
introduction on the tools for capacity

Third and last day of
the workshop, opportunities for south-south
and north-south exchanges
were listed in a participatory manner, followed
by an analysis of opportunities for international political actions.  After a training session on gender, the workshop was closed. In the
evening, a solidarity evening was
organized by the hosting partner, GK, with a tribute to outgoing WSM members Tarique and Jef Van Hecken,
as well as some cultural presentations.

day of the workshop, a moment was also taken to highlight events that had drastic impacts on
the partners and the countries, such as the Cambodia protests and the typhoons
in the Philippines and to share good practices from the partners. The fourth
day, members attended a human chain
organized by the Bangladesh partner NGWF to support their demands for
compensation of the Rana Plaza and Tazreen tragedies. In the afternoon they took
part in a medical camp organised by GK for these victims.

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