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Dakar 2011: de eerste concrete gegevens

Dakar 2011: de eerste concrete gegevens

zaterdag 20 november 2010 18:42
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De concrete voorbereiding van het Wereld Sociaal Forum in Dakar is nu echt van start gegaan.

Op de website vindt U vanaf nu de conceptnota van de Afrikaanse vrienden met de thematische ‘assen’ voor het Forum, en kan U vanaf vandaag ook workshops registreren.

Hieronder vindt U een infonota met het programma van het WSF.

Voor de Forum wordt er vanuit gegaan dat we niet enkel in een economisch en financiële crisis leven, maar ook in een ‘beschavingscrisis’ en dat we daarom op zoek moeten gaan naar een nieuw universalisme.

Vertrekkend van een grondige analyse van het kapitalisme, zal er gekeken worden naar de specifieke situatie van Afrika, de nieuwe Zuid-Zuid relaties en gaan we op zoek naar alternatieven vanuit de basis.

Er is een bijzondere dag gewijd aan Afrika en de diaspora, en er zijn veel nevenactiviteiten. Het is ook mogelijk om vanop afstand deel te nemen aan det forum, een formule die de afgelopen maanden werd uitgetest en goed begint te draaien.

Link voor de conceptnota en thematische assen

Link voor de registratie van evenementen

FEBRUARY 6th-11th 2011



The process of preparation of WSF in Dakar is involving many different African actors, much more than in Nairobi, because of the commitment of the African Council and because in the last two years many African countries have initiated national Social Forum process in their territories.
Despite all the difficulties present in the African continent the presence of civil society organizations and social movements will be broad. Numbers will not be enormous (because of the economical problems for moving people in a so large continent) but the spectrum of presences will be large.
In the new International scenario, one of the main focus proposed by the African Organizing Committee and by the Local Organizing Committee will be South-South relations between Africa, Latin America and Asia. An important role will be played by the forty regional and thematical Forum organized all over the world in 2010. Many Forum took place in Middle East, including the one on Education in Palestine.
So, Dakar will be a very good occasion to strengthen or start relation with a big part of global civil society and social movements, to promote or to improve international campaigns and actions.
The Forum will take place in the Dakar University. Many buildings of the University will be used, as well as tents built up in the open spaces.
The University is inside the town, in a residential area in front of the ocean. From downtown, where probably most of participants will live, there are 10-15 minutes by taxi (which are many and cheap).
Logistical details, as well as facilities the Organizing Committee is planning (special public transport, food inside the Forum, etc…) will be spread in the next future.

February 4th and 5th
In that days several events linked to the Forum will take place:
the World Assembly for the Migrants Charta which will be held in Gorè Island (twenty minutes by ferry from Dakar), symbol of the slave trade
Local Authorities Forum and Parliamentarian Forum
Science and Democracy Forum
Trade Union Forum

February 6th
Arrival of the Caravan with participants from different part of Africa, which will realize many actions, meetings and events during the journey
Opening March

February 7th
Africa and Diaspora Day
The day will be devoted to events and meetings on the issue of African resistances and of old and new diaspora.

February 8th and 9th
Self-organized activities days
In this two days the traditional self-organized activities will take place (seminars, meetings, cultural events) registered in the 12 thematical axis.
February 10th-11th
Assemblies for common actions day
The assemblies too will be self-registered by participants organizations. The difference with the first two days is that assemblies should be devoted to promote different kind of common actions (campaigns, mobilizations, networking….) connecting different actors.
February 11th in the afternoon
Final assembly to present the plan of action and the calendar emerged by the assemblies.

On February12th and 13th the International Council will meet, for a first evaluation of Dakar Forum and to decide next steps. There is an ongoing discussion about the possibility to build up a big Forum Space in Rio de Janeiro on May 2012, in occasion of the UN Conference Rio +20 on Sustainable Development.
Of course, the Africans organizers would like to have as much as possible of African citizenship living abroad in Dakar.
They call all European organizations to contribute, in any way they can find, to the trip of African migrants to guarantee their participation in the Forum.
The web site to register activities is
Registration will close in the first days of January.

It will be possible to register in the same time self-organized activities and assemblies for common actions (even if for technical reasons the assembly page will be ready with some days of delay.
Since from the first day of registration it will be possible to look at the list of registered activities, and to begin the self-organized process of merging seminars.
Each thematical axis, as well as the assembly space, will have international facilitators, which could get in touch with you to suggest (if you will be interested) to merge your activity with others.
There will be the possibility to register activities all over the world as part of the Dakar WSF.
These activities, registered in a special space, will be written in the program and they could, if they would, to create a direct contact with the Forum by Internet.

For the North of the world, the registration fee is 250 euro (included 3 activities and 5 delegates). Each additional activities (up to a maximum of 5) will cost 100 euro more. Each additional delegate will pay 25 euro.
To assure simultaneous translation in the activities, an additional cost has to be added (look at the list in the website). In the website you can find also the prize for stalls.
On the WSF website there is a list of hotels. You can find them also in the traditional website for hotel reservation.
It seems it is possible to find flats to rent in Dakar. On the website there is a mail address in Dakar for the ones searching for this kind of accommodation.

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