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2 vagabonds and a yak head to Mongolia
Mongol Rally, Mongolia, Rally -

2 vagabonds and a yak head to Mongolia

dinsdag 10 juli 2012 11:30
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On July 15th, three friends from Brussels will take off to a once in a life time adventure. Together with ca. 300 other teams, they will join the yearly Mongol Rally. In six weeks, the 2 vagabonds and a yak (the official team name) will drive 14 000 km from Belgium to Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) to raise money for two charities: The Lotus Children’s Center and the SOS Children Villages. Along their trip, Renata, Sandy and Tomek will cross 14 countries, including Turkey, Turkmenistan, Kirgizstan, and Kazakhstan, the Caspian Sea and one of the highest mountain ranges in Central Asia, the Pamir. To make this trip a true adventure, the organizers set a limit on the engine size of the cars, that is, 1.2l. The three are still looking for donations to their charities and sponsors to support them. If you are interested in more information, you can find it, on their website: And for everyone that wants to do this journey themselves one day, please check the organizers -The Adventurists- site at: Throughout their journey the team will share their stories and impressions with you right here in this blog. So stay tuned!

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