De community ruimte is een vrije online ruimte (blog) waar vrijwilligers en organisaties hun opinies kunnen publiceren. De standpunten vermeld in deze community reflecteren niet noodzakelijk de redactionele lijn van De verantwoordelijkheid over de inhoud ligt bij de auteur.



maandag 1 november 2010 22:35
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Things I like of living in Brussels so far

Le Marché du Midi – and taking a glass of wine between a large variety of spices, vegetables and smells

The sudden changes of the sky – from grey and foggy to blue and sunny

The dancefloor of Madame Moustache – where rockabilly is not dead

The stoves at the terraces of Sant Gery – warmly smoke while drinking a good trappist

The live concerts – find them every evening anywhere

The conversations with (un)known people from everywhere – practise your english/french/dutch/mime

Getting to the top of a parking next to Sant Catherine square for a high view of the city:

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