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Verslag Videomeeting Vrijdag 4de Mars

Verslag Videomeeting Vrijdag 4de Mars

maandag 7 maart 2011 16:25
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[Nederlands; English bellow]


Hier volgt het verslag van de videomeeting van vorige vrijdag.
Alle opmerkingen zijn welkom. Laat me ook weten indien je wil meewerken aan één van de reportages.

Aanwezig: Luis, Geert, Indien, Victoria, Mayu, Bennie, Sadik, Mariana, Greet

1/ We zoeken nog filmmakers die willen deelnemen aan YEFF!,
een jongeren filmforum in Slovenia. Je vindt alle info op
Deadline: 31 maart

2/ Arbeidsmigranten,
de situatie van werknemers zonder papieren is vaak erbarmelijk
Luis kan ons helpen met een contact; Geert wil graag monteren
Mariana & Mayu willen helpen met de interviews en research

3/ Arbeidsongevallen en beroepziekten
Bennie heeft contacten  en zoekt mensen die hem willen helpen
Victoria heeft ook enkele contacten

volgende week is er een Studievoormiddag: Arbeidsongevallen en beroepziekten in de bouwsector

Henk Goorden, attaché

Tel + 32 2 233 45 70

4/ Sadik wil met de hulp van de Pianofabriek een CD opnemen met jonge muzikanten
en vraagt ons om een making off te filmen.
Het project heet 3 monkeys.
Omar en Luis willen hierop werken. Woensdagavond om 19h komen
we samen bij DeWeMo om wat te brainstormen.

Andere projecten voor reportages zijn:
– portretten van straatmuzikanten, Olivier startte dit op
– leegstand en tekort aan betaalbare woningen
– Het Europees jaar tegen armoede is voorbij, maar het onderwerp mag niet uit de aandacht verdwijnen.
Heeft iemand ideën,; voorstellen voor reportages?


Hello videoteam,

Following below the list of topics we talked about in last Friday videomeeting.
All help, contacts and hints are welcome

1/ YEFF! 2011, the Film Forum for young filmmakers on cultural diversity:
If you want to participate or you know somebody who would like to, remember to send us your movies before 31st March.

2/ Domestic employees‘ conditions and law discrimination – Greet suggested this topic and needs some help with it referring to research and documentation about it (current legislation, discrimination and abuse cases, possible statements…) as well as people involved somehow (victims, lawyers, HHRR defendants..). Already involved: Luis & Geert, Mayu; Mariana

3/ Accidents at work – State of the things after law changed 15 years ago. We commented about some accidents that still happening, some factories with an average of death at work too high, the institutions that are supposed to control the working conditions but are not enough big to cover all what they should…  – Bennie is going to think about the story to tell, he has some ‘exclusive’ footage, and Victoria is going to check her contacts with somebody who is aware of the working conditions. Anybody else interested or with useful data ?

4/ Amateur musicians – A proposal from Sadik, in collaboration with Piano Fabriek, consisting in the process of recording a CD by several amateur musicians from different styles. They want to give them the experience of doing so, and the reportage will be sort of a making off of it. There are some ideas about the storyline and we need to form a team to organize and film within April, when the CD is planned to be released. Luis and Omar are interested and they are going to meet next Wednesday at the office together with Sadik to discuss the form of the reportage, but a more numerous camera crew is needed. Somebody in?

Other proposals:

Portraits of street musicians – A project that always can be launched (Olivier started time ago…maybe he still interested?) and be always interesting and nice. A group of people interested on the topic could gather and organize.

Empty buildings vs. lack of places – That is always an actual topic in Brussels and there are different ways of reporting about it. The occupations of sans papiers and refugees and evictions, the speculation etc. Give your proposals or ideas.

Poverty – Last year was the year against poverty, we know with how much success, but we are not going to stop talking about it. Please bring about topics on it that could be reported.


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