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This Border Kills. Dossier of violence in Calais.?
Frankrijk, Calais, Engeland, Dossier, Border, Violence, Migrants, Human rights -

This Border Kills. Dossier of violence in Calais.?

vrijdag 30 september 2011 10:04
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This Border Kills

“Our dossier of evidence, detailing two years’ worth of human rights abuses perpetrated against migrants in Calais, is now available to download in English and in French.

This report presents the evidence of the various methods of repression the British and French states employ against migrants in the area, which we have carefully documented over the course of two years. We submitted the report to France’s new Human Rights Ombudsman earlier in the summer, and he has since launched a public inquiry into policing there.

With a chronology and an exploration of the politics underpinning the policies played out in Calais, the report gives a relatively comprehensive account of the policing of this border region.”


FR :

Bron : Athanasios Marvakis

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