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The Party of european left fully supports the general strike in Belgium
Belgium, The Party of European, Support strike, Pensions -

The Party of european left fully supports the general strike in Belgium

zaterdag 24 december 2011 10:28
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Without dialogue with the trade unions and by a forced passage at the Belgian Parliament, the Di Rupo government is imposing a reform of the system of pensions and of the unemployment insurance in complete contradiction with the belgian social model. It is a real shame, that a 2 weeks old government, after 541 days of uncertainty, as first political act, stikes a knife in the back of its people.
It is unbelievable, in the 21st century, when technologies and technical progress could make people work less and better, and when young people faces unemployement like never before, that Di Rupo and his political partners dare propose those socially harmful and economically stupid measures. But we know which interests they serve.
Everybody knows after different experiences, like France for example, that this kind of policies will never be able to reduce public debts or deficits. But it will for sure attack the pruchasing power of workers, pensioners, unemployed persons and the future of youth. By this way, the all economy of the country is threatened.
The Party of European left (EL) support the general strike called by the common front of belgian trade-unions of pubic servicies and wish a full success to this courageous and determined mobilisation. Workers are thus fighting for democracy and welfare that bankers and neoliberals are trying to destroy.
To fight against the crisis, austerity is not the solution. The truth is that Europe is going to chaos if measures to institute a democratic control of banks, new missions for ECB and big public investments plans for social development and ecological transition are not taken. This is the proposals the EL will continue to chant all over Europe.

Bron : 

Party of European Left
22 december 2011

Party of the European Left

EL Brussels Office, Giorgos Karatsioubanis

30 Rue Parnasse

1050 Bruxelles


Tel: +32 2 5022616

Fax: +32 2 5020173

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