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More than 60.000 people at Fusion Festival in Germany
Fusion Festival, Fusion, Germany, Music, Workshops -

More than 60.000 people at Fusion Festival in Germany

zaterdag 26 juni 2010 14:32
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Somewhere in the north east of Germany more than 60.000 people are celebrating the Fusion Festival 2010. From Thursday evening on until Monday noon you can hear music everywhere on the former military airfield.

But there is much more than music: between cinema, cabaret, theater and and a hugh offer on workshops to participate, everybody find something to enjoy the so called Ferienkommunismus – no borders, no police, just a few rules to respect and that works.

This saturday night will be the last night for most of the people, so the the Festival goes to the maximum, also through the mixture of music: from Dubstep and Techno to Rock and Ska (and much more) the people can choose, which is sometimes hard!

However – great Festival with great people from all over the world plus the best weather you can have. What do you want more?


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