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Day 6 – Turkey and Ramadan
Turkey, Ramadan -

Day 6 – Turkey and Ramadan

dinsdag 24 juli 2012 21:25
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We entered Turkey one day before Ramadan (or Ramazan as they say here). Once we left Istanbul towards the Black sea coast, we noticed that it became more and more difficult to eat in restaurants during the day – they were closed. The seventh night of the trip, we stopped on a camp ground close to Sinop and prepared food for lunch the next day. We stopped around 2 at a gas station and parked the car to eat behind it, so that we would not bother the truck driver and other people there that could not eat till 8pm. As we sat there, a old lady approached us, smiling and talking to us in Turkish. We tried to hide our food a bit, but she encouraged us to eat and even tried to get tea for us from the gas station, but they did not serve any at that time. Later, her husband came along and we got this nice shot of them. Before we left, she gave us a blessing for the trip.

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