De community ruimte is een vrije online ruimte (blog) waar vrijwilligers en organisaties hun opinies kunnen publiceren. De standpunten vermeld in deze community reflecteren niet noodzakelijk de redactionele lijn van De verantwoordelijkheid over de inhoud ligt bij de auteur.

Cycle Demonstration in Antwerp (Belgium) on Sunday October 10, 2010
Klimaat, Fietsactie, Demonstratie, Alternatieve energiebron -

Cycle Demonstration in Antwerp (Belgium) on Sunday October 10, 2010

zondag 5 september 2010 20:17
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For investment in renewable energy

Rejection of new coal plants

Refusal of extension to open nuclear plants

The multinational company E. O.N wants to build a huge new coal-fired plant in the port of Antwerp who would produce 1100 megawatts. That is 9% of current the Belgian electricity.Or the equivalent of 3million additional cars. All Belgian effort to reduce CO2…is for nothing if this project comes to reality.

We urge the implementation of investment in renewable energy in the port, no nuclear energy, no energy from coal or petroleum.

Family cycling event in three stages: 4km + 9km + 6km

For 11 hours before the Antwerp Central Station (Astrid Square)
For 12 hours at the Noordkasteel (North Castle) (early Scheldelaan 
the Royersluis)
For 14 hours on the square at the Cross Chan Lock (near Total)
For 15 hours at the site of Bayer-North, the Scheldelaan near the Fire Station Lillo, near Liefkenshoektunnel Closure Lillo-Fort

Entertainment and information on every staging point in cooperation with others.
Panorama of the river Schelde and the port expanded “mealtime” to Noordkasteel (North Castle), bring your sandwiches along! Reception with soup in the harbor of Fort Lillo

Free return possible from every stop!

An initiative of the movement “Climate and Social Justice in collaboration with many friendly organizations.

Bron :

Contact “Climate and Social Justice Belgium”: 0477 89 21 89

Luc Schrijvers is lid van de stuurgroep van “Climate and Social Justice Belgium ”

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