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Yesterday in Bulgaria : Anti-Roma protests
Bulgaria, Protests, Anti-roma, Sofia -

Yesterday in Bulgaria : Anti-Roma protests

zondag 2 oktober 2011 10:44
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Yesterday  four different ant-roma protests took place in the center of Sofia.

1. One march, more than 1 km long, was organized by the Bulgarian National Union (openly racist, neo-nazi). Between 1500 and 2000 people were reported to be present. Their demands included among other things “equal rights and duties for roma and Bulgarians alike”, “increased police presence in the roma neighbourhoods”, “adequate measures against roma crimes” etc. Slogans like “to turn gypsies into a soap, to stab turks to death” were to be heard. The decision of the problem, according to one of the organizers (Plamen Dimitrov), lies in the power – the legitimate power of the state, he added fastly in front of the micro.

2. Another march was organized by the association “Power”. 50 or more nationalist rockers took part in it.

3. A big protest was organized by the racist, pro-facist, nationalistic, militaristic party Ataka. People from all over Bulgaria were brought to the capital by the party to join the sit in in front of the Presidency. Their demands included among other things re-introduction of the dealth penalty for most serious crimes, organizing of paramilitary voluntary gangs for self-defense, no more roma crimes etc.

4. The racist, nationalistic party WMRO-BND started gathering signatures against roma crime in front of the Parliament. The party explicitly underlined that its initiative has nothing to do with the events in the village of Katunitza, they were planning it even before that.

At the same time some roma and Bulgarian people, declaring their initiative being part of the first roma pride in the country, were distributing flowers and poems to some pedestrians.

International reports have taken ground. Today an extraordinary National Security Council took place. The President of Bulgaria pointed out that “an unbearable blow was hit to the image of Bulgaria in the international media”.

Bron : Boryana and Raia ( friends from me out Bulgaria)

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